Singing Guide: Jorma Kaukonen

Singing Guide: Jorma Kaukonen

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Jorma Kaukonen

If you're a blues, rock, or folk fan, you may appreciate the unique and soulful voice of Jorma Kaukonen. Best known for his work with Jefferson Airplane and Hot Tuna, Kaukonen's bluesy style and unique vocal technique make him a true standout in the music world. Here's how to learn to sing like Jorma Kaukonen, and some tips on incorporating his style into your own singing.

A Unique Vocal Style

One of the standout elements of Jorma Kaukonen's voice is his gritty, bluesy quality. Learning to emulate this sound is a key step in learning to sing like him.

Vocal Exercises to Develop a Gritty Style

  • Vocal Range Test: Before you start practicing Kaukonen's style specifically, take Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test to determine your own vocal range. Knowing your range is essential to perfecting Kaukonen's sound.
  • Breath Support: To achieve Jorma's soulful sound, focus on breath support. This article on Breath Support on Singing Carrots can help you master this essential skill.
  • Vocal Distortion and Growling: Kaukonen's style often involves a raspy, gravelly quality that can be created through vocal distortion and growling. The video exercises on Vocal Distortion and Growling can be a good starting point.
  • Vibrato: To create a signature vibrato like Kaukonen's, try practicing the techniques in this Singing with Vibrato article.

Songs to Showcase Kaukonen's Style

Once you've practiced the essential vocal techniques above, try incorporating them into singing some of Jorma's most iconic songs to really get a feel for his style:

  1. "Embryonic Journey"
  2. "I Am the Light of This World"
  3. "Sunrise Dance with the Devil"
  4. "Police Dog Blues"

Singing Tips

To truly emulate Jorma Kaukonen's vocal style, don't forget to incorporate his unique musicality into your performances. Here are some tips to help you do that:

  • Find the Feel: Kaukonen's music has a soulful, bluesy quality that's driven by feeling. Pay attention to the emotions that the music evokes, and put that emotion into your performance.
  • Make It Your Own: While you may strive to sing like Jorma Kaukonen, don't forget to bring your own personality and style to the music. Be authentic in your performances.
  • Practice, Practice, Practice: Like any skill, learning to sing like Jorma Kaukonen takes practice. Use Singing Carrots' tools, such as Vocal Pitch Monitor and Pitch Training, to practice regularly and improve your skills over time.

Jorma Kaukonen's vocal style is one of a kind and takes practice and skill to master. By working on the essential vocal exercises, practicing the songs that showcase his style, and incorporating his musicality and feeling into your performances, you can start to sing like Jorma Kaukonen in no time.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.